Personal Training

Unlock Your Full Potential with Personal Training Tailored to Your Needs!

At Complete Martial Arts Club, we're dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness goals with a holistic approach that combines the power of cardio, strength training, and yoga-inspired flexibility.

We're committed to helping you succeed. That's why we offer a FREE consultation to understand your goals and chart your fitness journey. Call (717) 480-2609 to book your free consultation today!

Personal training focused on cardio

Cardiovascular Fitness

Get reenergized! Boost your heart health, increase endurance, and shed excess pounds with our cardio-focused sessions.

Strength training in Hershey, PA

Strength Building

Build lean muscle, improve metabolism, and achieve a better version of your body that you’ve desired. Our strength training programs are designed for results.

Yoga stretching

Yoga-Oriented Stretching

Enhance flexibility, reduce stress, and find balance in your life through yoga-inspired stretching routines. Reconnect with your body and mind.


Our latest addition to enhance your well-being and recovery: the state-of-the-art massage chair!

At Complete Martial Arts Club, we understand the importance of recovery and relaxation in your fitness journey. Now, you can unwind and rejuvenate after an intense training session in the most luxurious and comforting way. Our brand-new massage chair is designed to provide a therapeutic and revitalizing experience, easing away muscle tension, promoting relaxation, and aiding in a quicker post-workout recovery. Take your recovery to the next level at Complete Martial Arts Club.

Join Complete Martial Arts Club and unleash the best version of yourself!